Friday 28 July 2017

Yoga Clothing Brand OHMME and Male Suicide

Craig meets with yoga Clothing brand OHMME and discusses how yoga can help prevent male suicide

Image belongs to the BBC, click image for their news story

If I can ask you one thing it's to read on. This is a very difficult subject and one that affects a huge proportion of our communities. It may even be affecting you right now.

When I was nine years old my Grandfather decided he had had enough of life and ended his own with a fist full of sleeping tablets. A few years later by best friend tied a rope to a rafter in his attic, put the other end around his neck and jumped out of the loft hatch.

Both of these deaths devastated people and both could have been prevented.

My Grand Father Peter who I miss to this day.

Saturday 2 July 2016

The Exante High Protein Diet

Craig of That Dapper Chap trials the Exante high protein diet and tells us his thoughts on the foods and about his weight loss

When I was approached by Exante Diet to trial their products, my initial thought was one of slight dread. We all know that diet food isn't the most tasty. We feel like we're being deprived of flavour and all of those little things that make us feel comforted and that we've had a good meal. We miss sweet things, hearty meals, sauces, crunchy and chewy sweet treats, and pasta and potatoes. 

Was I going to feel deprived and depressed on the Exante diet, well read on and find out.

© That Dapper Chap

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