Saturday 2 July 2016

The Exante High Protein Diet

Craig of That Dapper Chap trials the Exante high protein diet and tells us his thoughts on the foods and about his weight loss

When I was approached by Exante Diet to trial their products, my initial thought was one of slight dread. We all know that diet food isn't the most tasty. We feel like we're being deprived of flavour and all of those little things that make us feel comforted and that we've had a good meal. We miss sweet things, hearty meals, sauces, crunchy and chewy sweet treats, and pasta and potatoes. 

Was I going to feel deprived and depressed on the Exante diet, well read on and find out.

Opening the box of food I was presented with what reminded me of space food, you know the kind of silver packets you see in films or survival programs, and my heart did sink a little. "What have I let myself in for" I said to the packets and boxes and I spread them out and started to plan my meals for the next week.

About Exante Diet

All of the products that you can buy are low calorie, low carb and high protein. They are also fortified with vitamins and minerals to make sure that you're getting everything that you need during your daily intake of their products. The calorie reduction will of course help you to lose weight and the protein will keep you feeling fuller for longer. If you want to find out why Protein is so important in your diet check out this post by the Nutri Inspector or this post by DbolMuscleSecret.

My cottage pie with a cheeky wholemeal pitta bread on the side

There are a number of different options available and it's not a 'one size fits all' approach, so you will need to add your details to the health check form and spend a few minutes reading up on what the best option is for you, taking in to account what you want to achieve, choosing from one of the 5 plans available

Man Plan (LCD)

1 stone or more to lose? Choose the Exante Diet Man Plan and get the results you want quickly.

Enjoy 200 calories of normal everyday high-protein food plus a delicious range of diet products, enriched with vitamins and minerals to give you 100% of the recommended daily allowance (RDAs).

Top Tip: Follow for 4 weeks and you’d be surprised by how much you’ll have lost!

The vegetarian lasange and the muesli breakfast bar

Total Solution

A total meal-replacement plan for visible weight loss in no time at all. Simply swap everyday foods for Exante Diet meal replacements from the Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) range. Eat 3 per day to lower your calorie intake to around 600 calories.

Salt & vinegar protein chips and tuna pasta

Total Plus Solution

A flexible, low-calorie weight-loss plan whether you have a lot or a little to lose. Simply swap some everyday foods for Exante Diet meal replacements to lower your calorie intake. Use alongside their recommended recipes.

The range of delicious shakes and the Tomato and mascarpone soup

5:2 Diet

An intermittent fasting plan where you fast using 3 x Exante Diet meal replacements from the VLCD range on your two fasting days to lower your calorie intake to around 600 calories. You eat healthy, portion-controlled meals from their recommended recipes or from their new Weight Management range on your five non-fasting days.

Spaghetti bolognaise and the gooey salted caramel pudding

Weight Management

Designed for steady and gradual weight loss, the range offers a selection of delicious high-protein, calorie- controlled meals that help keep you feeling fuller for longer. Eat four times daily, choosing from a range of 30 delicious healthy options, including healthy snacks


For Day 1 I chose protein porridge, lemon cheesecake shake for lunch, the raspberry choc chip bar as a snack and the beef lasagne for dinner.

Okay, my first experience wasn't the best! following the instructions on the porridge packet I attempted to make it. I wasn't aware that the microwave oven at work was high powered and the porridge ended up all over the inside of the microwave rather than the mug I was making it in.

The day one diet selection

My second attempt with the protein porridge with a drizzle of honey
So, without breakfast I had to wait until lunch for my shake. A little hungry by that point I made the shake in a measuring jug and a whisk and poured it into my glass. The smell was incredible and literally was lemon cheesecake! It was delicious! it was also filling and I was satiated until 3pm when I embarked on my raspberry choc chip bar. The bar was indulgently chewy and flavoursome and I felt bad eating it! This is diet food right?!

My lemon cheesecake shake complete with inspirational image

My delightfully indulgent raspberry choc chip bar

Arriving home it was 5 minutes until my lasagne was plated and ready to eat. 3 in the microwave and 2 slicing tomatoes and picking basil and taking the picture!

Again, it was delicious, the meat was of very good quality and at no point was I reminded that I was on a diet. When I'd finished I was full. 

Roll on day 2

Day 2

For day 2 I grabbed the strawberry jam bar for breakfast, the strawberry shake for lunch and the chocolate wafer for a snack. Dinner would be the chicken jalfrezi.

Once again the food was great, it all tasted really very good and I was very impressed, particularly by the curry. I was a little disappointed that it didn't come with rice but I enjoyed every mouthful just the same.  There is an option to buy the rice separately.  

My 3pm snack, the chocolate wafer squares

The chicken Jalfrezi, great flavours and great quality meat pieces

Day 3

On days 1 and 2 I wasn't hungry. Day three saw a few hunger pangs creep in and I have to admit to sneaking a wholemeal pitta bread with my soup in the evening.

My day three choices

I started with pancakes, which I thought must be wrong as the mix made so many! I read and reread the instructions to check if this amount was for more than one person but no! they were all mine!

Pancakes for days with honey and blueberries

My lunchtime shake. Today it was vanilla

My evening meal of tomato soup and a wholemeal pitta bread

By the time day three finished I was feeling quite hungry and I'd also started to feel tired. Was this what they refer to as Ketosis? I was starting to feel slimmer and lighter. I wasn't bloated like I can sometimes feel but I was hungry.

Day 4

Day 4 started with granola, I again had a shake for lunch. At 3pm it was choco balls and cottage pie for dinner, which I'd highly recommend if you're  a fan of mashed potato like I am.

Choco balls, a little like Maltesers but not

My morning granola, crunchy and satisfying

As the days progressed I felt more and more hungry, I drank more water and admit to sneaking a few more wholemeal pitta breads. I was exercising too and did a few 5km runs during the week. During 1 run I had so little energy that I had to repeatedly stop.

In the last 2 days things changed. The hunger abated and while I still felt tired I was really settling into the diet and felt that I could carry on for another week, particularly as the food I was eating was of such good quality.

A full week later and I weighed myself again. I knew I'd lost weight but wasn't sure how much. Now, please bare in mind that I'm already fairly slim, yes I can shed a few pounds without issue but my body won't easily drop as much weight as a person with more to lose. So, that said I lost 4 pounds (2kgs) Which I think is good going! 

Just one week on the diet and I dropped to under 12 stone which was my goal.

Would I recommend Exante Diet?

In a word YES! While I did struggle mid week with hunger it was worth it and I'd do it again. I know I can trust the food. I know that I'll enjoy whatever I eat and that it will be full of flavour and that any meat products will be of very high quality.

In fact I will do it again. When I have a holiday coming up for an important photo shoot I'll happily turn to Exante Diet for a helping hand.

Find Exante Diet


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