Friday 12 August 2016

Introducing Stiffies

Craig of That Dapper Chap reviews Stiffies, your solution to floppy collars

Todays product review is all about these wonderful collar stiffners from Stiffies. Easy to use and incredibly handy, they take a stray collar and make it behave and stay put whatever you're doing.


Stiffies was founded in 2013 to solve the issue of droopy collars. The idea started when its founders dress code changed at work. Ties were no longer needed, however they still had to look smart. After a couple of months they became increasingly frustrated as even with collar stiffeners their shirt collars drooped below their suit jacket and they felt they had lost their mojo.

So with this they came up with the idea of magnetic collar stiffeners, that when used with their super strong magnetic buttons allowed them to put their collar into any position they liked.


At just £14.99 for the silver version and £17.99 for the gold limited edition you get 2 sets of different sized metal stiffeners and all the magnets you need.


The metal stiffeners and magnets arrive in a cool printed card envelope. When opened you'll find a set of clear instructions along with some health & safety information and a pre-printed name and address label if you wanted to send them on to a friend.


I do admit that I wondered if they would stay put all day and just how strong the magnets would be. Would I end the day trying to fish out magnets from the inside of my trousers where they'd fallen during my last meeting? No! I'm pleased to report that they stayed put all day.

They are easy to insert and really do make your shirt look a lot smarter than they do without them.


If you work in an office that has a more relaxed dress code and you therefore don't need to wear a tie (especially in warmer weather) but still want to look smart and in place, these are for you.

Pro's & Cons

A massive pro for me is that they are super easy to use and do stay in place all day.  On the flip side a lot of my shirts do not have the necessary pocket in which to insert the stiffeners which is unfortunate. This is of course not something that Stiffies can help improve but something to bear in mind when buying.

In addition they are a really reasonable price. They'd make a great additional gift for the guy in your life for a great pocket money gift from a Son or Daughter. While I know Christmas is a way off, they'd make a good stocking filler too.


The guys at work loved these and all wanted a pair. They liked the fact that you get 2 different sizes in the pack. Matt said "it's good that you get the options as a lot of my shirts have different size collars"

Ben commented "I'd wear them, it really does look different when you wear them to when you don't"

Emma told me "it's kind of nice to see a guy still looking smart but without a tie and showing off a bit of chest, but not looking scruffy, which they sometimes can do when the collar is going in all directions"


I'm a fan and I know that I'll be using mine a lot!




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