Monday 5 September 2016

Penhaligon's Fragrances

Craig of That Dapper Chap introduces us to the latest fragrances from Penhaligon's, both inspired by the the mysteries of Egypt.


Founded by Mr William Penhaligon in 1870, Penhaligons London have a long established heritage, so much so that they hold not, one but two Royal Warrants. So, if their fragrances are good enough to for the British Royal Family, they're certainly good enough for That Dapper Chap!

The two fragrances that I'm going to share with you today are the Alizarin Eau De Parfum and the
Oud De Nil Eau de Parfum. Two very different fragrances, they are both directly inspired by the history and atmosphere of one of the most mysterious lands in all the world: Egypt.

One of the most iconic symbols of Egypt and a must see for any true traveller

My Egyptian Experience

A few years ago now I was lucky enough to tour this ancient country. With it's incredible history spanning millennia, rich culture and wealth of mystery, I'd had a deep fascination with it for a number of years.

We stayed for two weeks. Anything less and you wouldn't be giving yourself the opportunity to see everything that you need to see and really immerse yourself in every aspect of what this stunning country has to offer.

The Temple Of Karnak, in the heart of Luxor
Our journey began in Luxor in the modern heart of the country. Boarding our boat we set sail on a week long trip along the river Nile, stopping and taking in the sights of various tombs and temples each day. Aswan, Edfu and Kom Obo were all on our itinerary, and each one came with it's own beautiful experiences. Ones I will never forget.

The Temple Of Karnak in Luxor was an absolute favourite of mine. It is truly breathtaking, and as the sun set over the hand carved ruins I felt a deep affinity with the place, and it has to be one of the most memorable experiences of my life.

The Alizarin Eau De Parfum by Penhaligons, rich and intense just like Egypt's history

The Collossi of Memnon, Once guardians of a magnificent temple complex, they now guard ancient secrets of Egypt's past

Our second week was spent on land in a five star hotel on the banks of the Nile in Luxor. We took this time to soak up the African sun, rest, relax and explore. We wanted to see 'real' Egypt and did that by taking time out to meet local families and share some treats with the children. Notebooks, pencils and sweets went down exceptionally well!

Another defining moment was my visit to Tutankhamen's Tomb in the valley of the kings. It was an incredibly emotive experience as it had been a 'must see' for at least 30 years. Not only did I see his tomb, taking the same route that the boy king took himself on his final journey, but I also got to stand face to face with the iconic golden mask while in the Cairo Museum during a private tour of the city.

A must see while visiting Egypt: The Sphinx in all her glory surveys and protects the gods

My Top Five Things To Do IN EGYPT 

While there are many many wonders to see in Egypt I wanted to share my top five things to do and see. Yours of course may be different and I'd love to hear what they are.

  1. Do 'real' Egypt. Going to Sharm El Sheikh is not 'going to Egypt'. You could be on any resort anywhere in the world. There is no history in Sharm El Sheikh, and you'll miss out on a potentially life changing experience if you limit yourself to this one place.
  2. Visit the Temple Of Karnak at sunset. The tourists will all but have left, and as the sun sets the scene changes and truly transports you back to another time. The lights come on and highlight structures, carvings and ancient work that you will have missed during the day.
  3. Take a cruise on the Nile. This is both a relaxing and exhilarating experience. Sail to a different part of Egypt each day and take in the sights before boarding your boat again for a traditional Egyptian meal. Afterwards enjoy a cocktail up on deck and watch the sun set over the palms while you sail gently along this historical journey.
  4. Take a balloon flight. For a different view of the country, see it from the air. For a relatively low cost we sailed through the sky over the Valley of The Kings and across the Nile and had an incredible one-off experience.
  5. See King Tuts final resting place. Visit the Valley of The Kings and stand in the spot that Howard Carter did in 1922 when he discovered King Tutankhamen's tomb. Walk down the steps and marvel at the simplicity of the most famous Pharaoh's chamber.  

Lions at the Temple of Karnak by sunset

The Fragrances

Both of these new fragrances take me back to the sites and smells of Egypt. The Alizarin Eau De Parfum, with its base notes of Oud and leather has a deeper and richer scent compared to Oud De Nil and is intense, giving a long lasting scent.

While the Alizarin is a touch more masculine and deepens on the skin, the Oud De Nil Eau De Parfun is lighter, fresher and comes with headnotes of grapefruit and Bergamot. Both have that very distinctive rich element of Oud, and it's that which takes me back to Egypt.

The stunning sun set over the River Nile. A scene not to be missed.

Myself and my Son Harry at the foot of one of the iconic Egyptian pyramids

Get a taste of ancient Egypt with the latest fragrances from Penhaligons.




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