Saturday 8 October 2016

Buying with the new GT Shopping site

Craig of That Dapper Chap brings us a new shopping platform from Gay Times

It's been statistically proven that guys like to shop online more than they do in store. For me I like to see a garment, feel the fabric and try the item on before I buy so when I was contacted by Octer, the company that powers the new Gay Times Shopping site I thought I'd give it a go and share my experience with you.

The Gay Times Shopping site carries a huge range of clothing, grooming products, footwear and accessories from a wealth of top brands such as ASOS, Mr Porter, River Island and House of Fraser, to name just a few. 

Searching is super easy and you're able to select clothing by type of item or by brand. I needed a new black suit so I set about getting one from this platform.
© That Dapper Chap

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