Saturday 8 October 2016

Buying with the new GT Shopping site

Craig of That Dapper Chap brings us a new shopping platform from Gay Times

It's been statistically proven that guys like to shop online more than they do in store. For me I like to see a garment, feel the fabric and try the item on before I buy so when I was contacted by Octer, the company that powers the new Gay Times Shopping site I thought I'd give it a go and share my experience with you.

The Gay Times Shopping site carries a huge range of clothing, grooming products, footwear and accessories from a wealth of top brands such as ASOS, Mr Porter, River Island and House of Fraser, to name just a few. 

Searching is super easy and you're able to select clothing by type of item or by brand. I needed a new black suit so I set about getting one from this platform.

Having selected 'Menswear' from the main page, I then click on 'Suits & Tailoring' and there I was. 2 clicks and I was presented with a wide variety of suits.

You see from the image above that you're presented with a list of brands. I was interested in what Noose & Monkey had to offer but they weren't on the list. Did they have any suits on the GT site? A quick search using the super speedy search box at the top right of the screen and I was immediately given a range of suits from Noose & Monkey.

It was then simply a case of scrolling through the selection to see what I wanted. The Ellroy suit seemed to be just what I needed. I selected my size and in another click it was in my bag.

If you're a new customer here's where you'll have to register before you complete your checkout. If you're already a member sign is in simple.

Check out is simple too and I love the fact that you can pay by PayPal as it makes everything just that little but easier. No searching for that credit card and then typing the number in three times before you finally get it right!

And that's it! My suit arrived from Zalando in just a couple of days and I'm super pleased with it. I'll certainly use GT Shopping again. The amount of products and brands that they stock rival other outlets, and it's a very simple site to use.

Give it a go and feel free to leave a comment here about your own experience.


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