Wednesday 20 July 2016

Jeff Banks Savile Row

Craig of That Dapper Chap introduces Jeff Banks of Savile Row and details the career of this much loved fashion icon.

About Jeff Banks

The 6th September 2014 marked the 50th anniversary of Jeff Banks in the fashion industry. He opened his first shop 'Clobber' in Blackheath, London on that day in 1964.

He has since gone on to be Womenswear Designer of the Year twice, Menswear Journalist of the Year and Retailer of the Year.

Apart from showing collections in Paris in the 70’s, creating the directional retailer Warehouse in the late seventies and creating the first fashion television programme he continues to run a vibrant design studio servicing his ­­interests in The United Kingdom, Japan, China and Australia.

Jeff is a past president of the Chartered Society of Designers and currently the life President of Graduate Fashion Week, which he created 25 years ago. He also holds ten honorary degrees and doctorates, and in 2011 he was made Commander of the British Empire for services to Fashion.

His major passion beyond fashion is cycling, he still competes regularly and sponsors his own amateur racing team.

Jeff Banks Savile Row

In 2015 Jeff Banks satisfied a career long ambition to open a shop on the most renowned tailoring street in the world, Savile Row, and brought with him over five decades of tailoring experience.

His first task was to create a series of individual blocks that form the foundation of everything in his retail store whether it be bespoke or made to measure. All of this as well as the ready-made collection that adorns the store. 

With made to measure, the measurements taken are used to adjust the blocks for each individual customer. The suit is made complete with final adjustments being made on completion.

In the case of bespoke, a full set of detailed measurements are taken during the first consultation to ascertain shape, posture, balance and proportion. Then an exclusive pattern based on the blocks is created for each customer. One or two fittings are made with finite adjustments carried out for future use. Even on completion small adjustments are carried out to ensure complete satisfaction.

Only the finest fabrics from around the world are used.

The Jeff Banks Savile Row shop is quite small but within its four walls carries a wealth of experience.

In my next piece in this series I'll tell you all about my experience being measured for a bespoke suit, so check back here soon!



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