Friday 30 June 2017

Made to measure shirts with The Savile Row Company

Craig of That Dapper Chap shows us how easy it is to get a made to measure shirt online from The Savile Row Company

A couple of weeks ago I was contacted by The Savile Row Company, a brand established on Savile Row, London since 1938 and who have been making finely tailored shirts ever since.

This family run business now ship their shirts to over 80 countries worldwide and while the company also offers a range of suits, accessories and shoes, for this sponsored post I wanted to share details of their made to measure shirts.


Getting your own shirt is very easy, if you want a more personal experience you can visit the store and get measured, however if you're busy and are competent with a tape measure (or have person handy who is) you can do everything online, which is just what I did.

Start by clicking on the 'made to measure' link on their website. From here you can choose to build your own suit or shirt. For this post we're sticking with the shirt. Simply select your favourite shirt from the 56 designs available, click the 'personalise' button and then the fun can begin!

From hereon-in you get to alter almost every aspect of your shirt: the fit, placket, cuffs, collar, pockets, buttons and everything else in between, to make the shirt unique to you. And if you get stuck there are handy pictures in the gallery showing you the various options available to you, so you can see exactly what each element looks like on a real shirt.

And lastly you can get in monogrammed, so if anyone is ever in any doubt that this shirt was made specifically for you there's proof that it is!

Once your selections are complete, you get to review what you've added and can edit the details if you need to. Once you are happy, you 'proceed to measurements'

After a few innocent questions that assist with the creation of your shirt, you get to add your measurements. Now, you've heard the carpenters rule of 'measure twice, cut once' right? well, apply that philosophy here too. Once you upload and send your measurements, they're gone. And while the guys at The Savile Row Company can tweak the shirt after you've received it, it is of course best to ensure that all measurements are entered correctly at the time.

And that's pretty much it. All you need to do now is sit tight and relax while your shirt is made in Northern Ireland, and sent to you in a very stylish box.


I found the process very easy and had chosen all of the elements of my shirt and uploaded my measurements in under an hour.

Custom shirts like mine have a price point of £75 which is reasonable for a shirt which is going to fit you perfectly like mine does. Waiting up to four weeks for it to be made, may be a little long for some gents, but remember, it's being made to your exact specifications and that can take time to perfect.

I'm impressed with the quality of the material and the stitching, and I did cast my eye over all parts of the shirt looking for imperfections, but couldn't find any at all, in fact it's very well made.

The shirt is both comfortable to wear and stylish and I'm really pleased with the result.

So, if you're a guy who finds off the peg shirts just don't fit that well, maybe the sleeves are always a little long, or you're a gym goer whose chest size results in a collar which is too big, The Savile Row Company may just be the answer to your needs.

Styling the shirt with a linen suit and a navy knitted tie I was set for my meeting, however this shirt could just as easily be dressed down with jeans and loafers for a less formal look. Roll up the sleeves and undo the top button, and the shirt offers a totally different look.



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